GOR AQUACULTURE – Saint-Vaast-La-Hougue


Set up in 1976, we work on ten hectares of oyster beds and produce, on average, 200 tons of oysters per year.
Some of our oysters are sold wholesale, but others are intended for retail, sold in wooden boxes of different sizes.

AEOToday “Gor Aquaculture” is more and more oriented toward export sales and developing new markets. It is for this reason that we have been certified Authorized Economic Operator, the internationally recognised quality mark for secure trade since 2015.

Got question ? Contact us ! +33 2 33 54 51 93

Our oyster beds

Discussing our oysters without saying anything about oyster beds it is like speaking about wine without mentioning soil and land plots.
Our oyster beds are situated in a variety of places and different foreshore levels. Thanks to this, the oyster’s shell becomes well developed and shaped to provide a habitat to the plump and meaty oyster. Some of our oyster beds are sheltered while others are more exposed.
Softness and sweetness of our oysters is due to fresh water brought by rivers. This fresh water, called “doucin” a source of mineral salts, combined with salted sea water by strong currents will contribute to the creation of a favourable environment for the rich development of phytoplankton – the food of oysters.
All these criteria together make our oysters an exceptional product, appreciated by everyone.

Gor Aquaculture produces oysters from natural oyster seeds taken from the French coasts, to guarantee you a most authentic product – genuine Normandy oysters from Saint Vaast la Hougue!

Grading of oysters
Grading and bagging of oysters